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What's new in the Business Partner Bonus

What's new in the Business Partner Bonus

We know how important it is to motivate and reward Partners at the first stages of their careers. That is why we decided to introduce a novelty in rewarding people who are promoted to the rank of Business Partner and meet the condition for receiving a Business bonus.


Month of Growth: invite spring to business

Month of Growth: invite spring to business

In spring the world is waking up to live. And how is your business? Is it ready for a big injection of new energy? On 4th of April we start the program ‘April as a month of growth’, thanks to which your business will bloom again. See what novelties we have prepared! You will surely find something interesting for yourself. Let the fresh air into your business.


Rules for shipping to the UK.

Rules for shipping to the UK.

W związku z tym, że Wielka Brytania nie należy obecnie do UE, wysyłka paczek do tego kraju, musi spełniać określone warunki. W ostatnim czasie do tych, dobrze już Wam znanych, które przypominamy poniżej, doszedł jeszcze jeden. Dane nabywcy, na którego jest wystawiona faktura, powinny być identyczne z danymi osoby wskazanej, jako odbiorca paczki. Pamiętajcie o tym, ponieważ niezgodność danych fakturowych oraz odbiorcy paczki, może powodować opóźnienia w wysyłce z działu celnego przewoźnika, a co za tym idzie, również opóźnienia w doręczeniu.


Attention, important information!

Attention, important information!

The Ultra facial cream for men with an expiration date of March 2023 has been tested in the laboratory. Based on the research, its expiry date was extended by 6 months, i.e. until September 2023.
